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主題:Big Data 漫談
Language: 中文 (Mandarin)
在人人必談資料科學的當下,以「大數據 (big data)」為題的分享似乎有一點過時感,但 Wisely 想告訴大家,唯有從根本的工程技術出發,才能讓應用系統成長茁壯。掌握基礎,才能掌握先機。
Wisely 將會在這次聚會分享中,為大家回顧 Spark [1] 這套資料處理平台這一年間最新的發展,包含 SparkSQL 與 Spark Streaming 的進化。再接著以 Spark 為基礎,討論目前的機器學習 (machine learning) 以及深度學習 (deep learning) 等人工智慧方面的應用發展。
這一切都來自大數據技術的推進。無論我們有再多新奇的機器學習演算法、深度學習的框架,都需要資料來源。若資料的品質不足,不會得到良好的結果。再者,資料治理 (governance)、資料與基礎設施 (infrastructure) 的整合等,也直接影響應用系統的效果。Wisely 將會和大家說明如何評估這些要件,以及改進的工程方法。
English introduction (English discussion is OK although the talk is in Mandarin):
It seems to be a bit out-dated to talk about “big data” while everyone assumes data science is a must. But Wisely would like to show us that the fundamental engineering is the prerequisite for any application to materialize. Nothing fancy can be done without a proper infrastructure.
Wisely will review the latest development of Spark [1], including the evolution of SparkSQL and Spark Streaming. On top of that, he will discuss machine learning and deep learning and their various applications.
All of the advancement comes from big data technologies. Data source enables all of the innovative machine learning algorithms and / or deep learning frameworks. Data quality counts. The applications also depend on data governance and the integration between data and infrastructure. Wisely will discuss those constructs, and the engineering practices to improve them.
講員介紹 (Speaker Introduction)
Wisely Chen 曾在 Yahoo 與 Appier 擔任資料工程師,與許多業界先進的商業智慧和機器學習專家一同合作。他目前在 SAS 擔任 data architect,研究資料整理技術,在資料的世界發揮美好的價值。
Wisely Chen has been working as a data engineer in Yahoo and Appier, and working with many experts of business intelligence and machine learning. He is now a data architect in SAS, working on technologies for data preparation to facilitate great value of data.
[1] http://spark.apache.org
日期和時間: 12/23 Friday, 6:30pm -- 9:00pm
- 7:00pm 晚餐備便
- 7:30pm 開始主題分享,約 40 分鐘
- 8:15pm 問與答、繼續吃飯、聊天、自由活動
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