Jobspace Meetup: Modern C++ at the First Glance -- 不知不可

主題:Modern C++ at the First Glance -- 不知不可

Language: 中文 (Chinese).

隨著 C++11/14 規格的底定,以及主流編譯器的支援,C++ 程式設計邁入了新的紀元。Modern C++ 大量依靠 template 和 compile-time meta-programming,常使許多程式員覺得難以掌握。C++11/14 則是在這些複雜基礎上,建立了更強力的工具。可說一山還有一山高,難怪很少人喜歡來寫 C++。

這次聚會我們邀請天天在寫 C++ 的 Yan Ming Lee (xatier),花四十分鐘和大家簡單介紹 C++11/14 和 modern C++ 程式中常用的功能,包括 auto、range-based loop、lambda、SFINAE、move semantics 等等。如果還有時間的話,Yan Ming 也會聊聊 smart pointer。

English description (English discussion is OK although the talk is in Mandarin):

C++ programming is now very different from before, as the settlement of the C++11/14 specification, and the support from major compilers.  However, the modern C++ depends on template and compile-time meta-programming, and they aren’t easy to master.  Upon the complex constructs, C++11/14 builds even more powerful tools.  It seems to be impossible to measure the power of the language, and the associated complexity.  Probably that’s why few people love C++.

This time we invite an everyday C++ programmer Yan Ming Lee (xatier) to talk about some useful features in C++11/14 and modern C++.  They are auto, range-based loop, lambda, SFINAE, move semantics.  If there can be some time left, Yan Ming can mention something about smart pointers.


Yan Ming (xatier) Lee

Yan Ming 是一個喜歡摸別人電腦的黑客。有他在旁邊的話,最好不要打開電腦。Yan Ming 的興趣廣泛,但花了大量的時間撰寫 C++。他目前為 Multicoreware, Inc. 工作。

Yan Ming is a hacker who hacks.  Do not turn on your computer when he’s around, unless you are absolutely sure it’s secure.  Yan Ming spends a lot of time with C++, and now works in Multicoreware, Inc.

若想提出問題,或與講員互動,請到本次聚會的 facebook 活動頁面留言:


日期和時間: 7/22 Friday, 7:00pm -- 9:30pm

  • 7:00pm: 晚餐備便
  • 7:30pm: 開始主題分享,約 40 分鐘
  • 8:15pm: 問與答、繼續吃飯、聊天、自由活動


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第二張圖適用於自高鐵步行前來的人,路程約 20 分鐘:

關於 Jobspace

Jobspace 致力於強調互動與多樣化的知識性社群聚會。每次 Jobspace 聚會都有 40 分鐘的演講。我們會邀請經驗豐富的講者作各種各樣的技術分享,使參加者不但得到知識,也能參與活潑的討論。我們想透過演講鼓勵大家在聚會中彼此認識,和每位來參加聚會的朋友互相討論。創新思維很難閉門造出,批判式討論 (critical discussions) 則是通往創新的坦途。希望 Jobspace 聚會能為你帶來獨特的價值。

歡迎投稿。如果你有想要分享的主題,請寄電子郵件到 contact [at],或前往我們在 Facebook 上的專頁留言

二街咖啡 2nd St Cafe / 新竹縣竹北市嘉政二街118號

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price
早鳥票 (early-bird ticket)

2016/06/10 12:00(+0800) ~ 2016/07/21 23:50(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$798
一般票 (regular ticket)

2016/06/10 12:00(+0800) ~ 2016/07/22 12:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$1,050
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