主題:Use Neural Network -- 如何教育你的神經網路
Language: 中文 (Mandarin)
Deep learning 是當紅的 buzzword。基本的 supervised learning 技術已經很成熟,拜現今軟硬體技術發展所賜,只要你有點子、有資料,很容易就能訓練出很不遜於傳統 AI 的神經網路人工智慧。
但真的是這樣嗎?訓練神經網路就和教育人類學生一樣,有許多誤區,一不小心就會 overfitting。從訓練機器的經驗可知,若用完美的教科書範例來教學,必定會得到非常糟糕的結果。當你想盡辦法避免 overfitting 時,也必然會對很多想盡辦法 overfit 的教育方式毛骨悚然。反過來說,你對手上那個童稚未脫的神經網路,是否能有更多的愛心、耐心和同理心,試著傾聽他想表達的心情呢?
可能有人認為 deep learning 可以減少對於工程師的依賴,但絕對不是光靠領域專家就行的。因為會與會教是不一樣的,教育訓練也是一種專業。我將分享一些實際的經驗,幫助大家更順利地進入這個廣闊的天地。
English description (English discussion is OK although the talk is in Mandarin):
What’s the hottest buzzword this year? Deep learning would be a safe pick. Everyone is talking about the achievement of artificial intelligence (AI). Thanks to the advancement of software and hardware technology, as long as one has an idea and data, it’s not difficult to train a neural network that is comparable to conventional AI.
Any caveat? Of course. Just like misunderstandings in human education, one can easily overfit in a neural network. It suggests that teaching humans using perfect examples in textbook will result into bad outcomes. When you are doing all you can to avoid overfitting in the AI, you can see how terrible the overfitting in human education. On the other hand, should we give more care, patience, and compassion to the childish neural network, and learn what it says?
In some areas, the dependency to professionals might be reduced by using deep learning, but it cannot be done solely by domain experts. Being able to do a thing is different from Being able to teach one to do a thing. There is expertise in training. I will share real experiences and help the audience to enter the interesting area.
任教於東華大學應用數學系,同時組織花蓮.py/花蓮R的活動。曾在數學印象特展中展出利用神經網路即時將 webcam 拍下的照片轉換成名畫風格的技術。
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- 7:00pm: 晚餐備便
- 7:30pm: 開始主題分享,約 40 分鐘
- 8:15pm: 問與答、繼續吃飯、聊天、自由活動
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